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Home Testimonies David Luyirika

Testimony - David Luyirika


david luyirika photoMy name is David Luyirika. I was born on 3rd of March 1963 in Lubya, Kyaddondo, Kampala. I am married, with children and grandchildren. I am a preacher in St. Steven’s Church of Uganda Kijjabijjo, Gayaza Parish. I am a lay evangelist and an intercessor in Namirembe Diocese.

Jesus saved me in 1993 and I repented of all my sins. Before I got my deliverance, these are some of the things I encountered: Dreaming of snakes; seeing snakes; killing snakes. Very many rats at home and in my village home; rejection, victimisation, and many other things. I later found out that these things emanated from sorcery by a close friend.

I met Rev. Canon Yonasani Lubanga, Rev. Christine and Mr. Philip Padica when they were teaching about deliverance. I listened intently as servant of God  and as an intercessor. I knew these things well but I was still in bondage.

When I got my release from the snakes, rats, rejection and victimisation; and got revelation about who the source was, we started to pray for him to get saved and to be released. Now my ministry is going well. I pray for people and they are healed. Those who have problems get released. I preach the gospel and people get saved, which was not so in the past. I am walking well with the Lord, daily repenting. I am praying for more grace to understand the things of Christ more; preaching all the more; teaching about Jesus; and I am praying for opportunities for ministry, because Jesus has brought me a long way. Some of my children have also been released and have peace.

Before I got my release all aspect of my life were bad, but since I got my release things changed and I hope to continue walking as Christ leads me. Witnessing and ministry and other things are now easy.


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Good news! We have the pleasure to invite you to the international Prophetic Prayer Conference 2013 scheduled for 22nd-28th September, at Lubowa Gardens in Kampala, Uganda.